Everyone loves coffee. Well, if not all, almost everything. It is believed that coffee is today - the most popular beverage after water on the planet. The civilized world today is unthinkable without the culture of coffee consumption.
This drink connects all aspects of our lives, starting with a morning "including" the cup, the coffee break to revitalize the work, a friendly chat over coffee and cake. Coffee is a drink that serves as the reason for the many pleasant encounters - with friends, family or just with the newspaper. Good coffee - the ideal tool to win business partner.
How much caffeine is in a cup of coffee. After all, the longer the coffee is brewed, the more caffeine will be in the finished beverage. Here are 7 ways to make coffee, arranged in order of decreasing amounts of caffeine.
1. Coffee, brewed in a pot. Preparation time: 10-20 minutes. Coffee is usually quite coarse, brought to a boil, and then give the midst of some time to settle. Ready to drink poured into the cup without filtering.
2. Coffee, brewed in electric coffee maker with filter. Cooking time: 5-10 minutes. Hot water was poured onto the filter layer with ground coffee and the water passes slowly through the filter.
3. Coffee, brewed in a two-chamber pot metal. Cooking time: 5-10 minutes (total heating time is longer). This method is used in the old coffee machines that are heated in the fire. Boil the water rises in the tube to the upper chamber and poured onto a metal filter with a mound on his coffee ...
3. Coffee, brewed in a two-chamber pot metal. Cooking time: 5-10 minutes (total heating time is longer). This method is used in the old coffee machines that are heated in the fire. Boil the water rises in the tube to the upper chamber and poured onto a metal filter with a mound on his coffee ...
4. Coffee made in a French press. Preparation time: 4 minutes. A fairly new way for us. The ground coffee is poured into the glass cylinder and filled with boiling water. Then, using the net sediment piston is pressed against the bottom.
5. Turkish coffee. Cooking time: 3 minutes. The finely ground coffee is brought to the boil in Turku, then poured into a cup, where the dregs settle.
6. Espresso. Preparation time: 20-25 seconds. Contains 25% less caffeine than cooked in conventional manner. Hot water under pressure is passed through a metal filter with a layer of finely milled coffee.
7. Instant coffee. Preparation time: 15 seconds. Coffee granules obtained by freezing and drying was dissolved in hot water.
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Coffee for moms
Did you drink coffee in the morning, at lunch, in the evening, and sometimes in between. Coffee for you - bracer. But here you have to know the joys of motherhood and the urgent need to begin to live a healthy lifestyle, including the "eat right." What about coffee? Does it not hurt your baby, if he does not get into the milk ...
Let's face it. Coffee stimulates the nervous system, strengthens the heart, increases the production of adrenaline and speed up metabolism. That is the same effect as jogging, charge.
In practice, it looks like this: better blood is saturated with oxygen, toxins are excreted more rapidly, and it is very good for the fetus (baby). The increased amount of adrenaline to mobilize all the resources of the body - the muscles become more elastic, fabric recover more quickly and safely respond to changes (during pregnancy and childbirth change is inevitable).
However! Positive effect of coffee is only possible with moderate use! Let us specify what "moderate" - if you usually drink 1 - 2 cups of coffee a day, this is possible and stop, and if the daily rate was 5 cups should reduce the number of coffee to 2 - 3. Just abandon the coffee is not necessary, even dangerous. The fact that the body abrupt withdrawal of coffee - a lot of stress (especially at the usual 5 - 7 cups per day), and stress during pregnancy and breastfeeding is very undesirable. Logical to simply reduce the dose or switch to high-altitude arabica coffee - it has a minimal amount of caffeine. And if arabica organic, all is good - it is grown without the use of chemicals.
Speaking of chemistry. Its very much in the flavored coffee, instant and decaffeinated coffee. So far, no one has studied the effects of chemical (synthetic) components of these types of coffee on the developing fetus and infant. However, according to unofficial reports, the children more often irritability, "tummy problems" and the lack of calcium (convulsions, tremor, crooked bones, etc.), if the mother during pregnancy and breast-feeding saw instant coffee (or decaf flavored).
Science-science, but there is no substitute their own feelings. If the future of your favorite coffee or held your mother to become bad, deteriorating health - it is better to time to replace the charging of tea or coffee. And if there are no problems - drink to your health and your baby.
Let's face it. Coffee stimulates the nervous system, strengthens the heart, increases the production of adrenaline and speed up metabolism. That is the same effect as jogging, charge.
In practice, it looks like this: better blood is saturated with oxygen, toxins are excreted more rapidly, and it is very good for the fetus (baby). The increased amount of adrenaline to mobilize all the resources of the body - the muscles become more elastic, fabric recover more quickly and safely respond to changes (during pregnancy and childbirth change is inevitable).
However! Positive effect of coffee is only possible with moderate use! Let us specify what "moderate" - if you usually drink 1 - 2 cups of coffee a day, this is possible and stop, and if the daily rate was 5 cups should reduce the number of coffee to 2 - 3. Just abandon the coffee is not necessary, even dangerous. The fact that the body abrupt withdrawal of coffee - a lot of stress (especially at the usual 5 - 7 cups per day), and stress during pregnancy and breastfeeding is very undesirable. Logical to simply reduce the dose or switch to high-altitude arabica coffee - it has a minimal amount of caffeine. And if arabica organic, all is good - it is grown without the use of chemicals.
Speaking of chemistry. Its very much in the flavored coffee, instant and decaffeinated coffee. So far, no one has studied the effects of chemical (synthetic) components of these types of coffee on the developing fetus and infant. However, according to unofficial reports, the children more often irritability, "tummy problems" and the lack of calcium (convulsions, tremor, crooked bones, etc.), if the mother during pregnancy and breast-feeding saw instant coffee (or decaf flavored).
Instead of an epilogue.
Science-science, but there is no substitute their own feelings. If the future of your favorite coffee or held your mother to become bad, deteriorating health - it is better to time to replace the charging of tea or coffee. And if there are no problems - drink to your health and your baby.
Friday, June 28, 2013
Coffee: solvent fatigue!
According to one version - instant coffee was invented at the beginning of the last century for the needs of the U.S. Army. In the trenches do not have the time and opportunity to brew a drink, and cheer the soldiers oh as desired. In fact, the ease and rapidity. Cooking is the main advantages of instant coffee. That they have played into the hands of you, try to choose a quality drink. How to do it, says Ramaz Chanturia, General Director of the Association "Rusteacoffee"
1. In crystals, more taste
Many call only natural coffee beans, removing soluble almost role chemical. This is the biggest mistake. Drink boiled noodles inferior in taste, but not a "natural." At first roasted grain mills, grind and brew in giant vats. The liquid was evaporated and depending on the manner in which it is made, prepared coffee shapes - no additives and flavorings in the technology is not involved. Powdered product - result of drying with hot air the beverage. Then molding of it do granules - is obtained in a granular form of porous coffee irregular lumps. Crystal technology (small pieces with a smooth surface) - is quite different. It is first frozen and then dehydrated in vacuo. The latter method leaves in a soluble drink more than the qualities of grain, so the crystal is considered to be the best coffee. In second place in terms of taste parameters is granulated, the last is a cheap and simple powder.
2. With or without caffeine
Those who are in the coffee flavor is not only important, but also invigorating qualities, it is important to carefully examine the product label. Today, many manufacturers make coffee without a major energy component - caffeine. After a cup of this drink you are unlikely to feel a surge of strength, but it is not contraindicated in people with heart problems and it can be drunk at night, am not afraid to be tormented insomniac. By the way, no caffeine taste almost no difference. 3. Glass, plastic or tin
3. Glass, plastic or tin
Type of packaging for coffee can be any material of which it is made, does not affect the taste of the drink, but there are some rules: for economical coffee powder does not make sense to use expensive packaging, so often you can find it in sealed plastic bags or cans. As for granular and crystalline, it is better to buy them in a clear glass box, you can see through it, it looks like you selected coffee: smooth, not crushed into dust crystals and beads - the first sign that the manufacturer refers to the product carefully and tried to bring it at its best.
4. No chicory!
Seeing on the package label "Coffee", rest assured - the content conforms to the label: the bank will not chicory, barley or acorns. You do not look closely and read carefully, there is no nuance, as is the case with the "condensed milk", which is really just a substitute for a natural "condensed milk". According to GOST - proud title of "Coffee" can only wear coffee. Come across a fake very difficult, but experts still do not recommend buying instant drink in small benches, subways and questionable kiosks.
5. The taste and color
At instant coffee is no clear standards the degree of bitterness, astringency or power of flavor. The fact that the manufacturer himself sets the parameters of taste. It turns out that if you do not like a certain brand of instant coffee, it does not mean that you bought a defective product - it just does not match your personal preferences. Only by tasting drinks from different manufacturers can find the one that will be enjoyed.
1. In crystals, more taste
Many call only natural coffee beans, removing soluble almost role chemical. This is the biggest mistake. Drink boiled noodles inferior in taste, but not a "natural." At first roasted grain mills, grind and brew in giant vats. The liquid was evaporated and depending on the manner in which it is made, prepared coffee shapes - no additives and flavorings in the technology is not involved. Powdered product - result of drying with hot air the beverage. Then molding of it do granules - is obtained in a granular form of porous coffee irregular lumps. Crystal technology (small pieces with a smooth surface) - is quite different. It is first frozen and then dehydrated in vacuo. The latter method leaves in a soluble drink more than the qualities of grain, so the crystal is considered to be the best coffee. In second place in terms of taste parameters is granulated, the last is a cheap and simple powder.
2. With or without caffeine
Those who are in the coffee flavor is not only important, but also invigorating qualities, it is important to carefully examine the product label. Today, many manufacturers make coffee without a major energy component - caffeine. After a cup of this drink you are unlikely to feel a surge of strength, but it is not contraindicated in people with heart problems and it can be drunk at night, am not afraid to be tormented insomniac. By the way, no caffeine taste almost no difference. 3. Glass, plastic or tin
3. Glass, plastic or tin
Type of packaging for coffee can be any material of which it is made, does not affect the taste of the drink, but there are some rules: for economical coffee powder does not make sense to use expensive packaging, so often you can find it in sealed plastic bags or cans. As for granular and crystalline, it is better to buy them in a clear glass box, you can see through it, it looks like you selected coffee: smooth, not crushed into dust crystals and beads - the first sign that the manufacturer refers to the product carefully and tried to bring it at its best.
4. No chicory!
Seeing on the package label "Coffee", rest assured - the content conforms to the label: the bank will not chicory, barley or acorns. You do not look closely and read carefully, there is no nuance, as is the case with the "condensed milk", which is really just a substitute for a natural "condensed milk". According to GOST - proud title of "Coffee" can only wear coffee. Come across a fake very difficult, but experts still do not recommend buying instant drink in small benches, subways and questionable kiosks.
5. The taste and color
At instant coffee is no clear standards the degree of bitterness, astringency or power of flavor. The fact that the manufacturer himself sets the parameters of taste. It turns out that if you do not like a certain brand of instant coffee, it does not mean that you bought a defective product - it just does not match your personal preferences. Only by tasting drinks from different manufacturers can find the one that will be enjoyed.
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Green coffee. Useful properties. Cooking and roasting
Green coffee beansWe keep hearing about green tea , but what about green coffee ?
Natural appearance of fresh coffee beans - green.
Natural appearance of fresh coffee beans - green.
What is Green Coffee?
Recently, due to the increased popularity of green tea, many have wondered - what is green coffee and whether it can also be useful as green tea? There is another aspect to this issue. We do not consider that to buy green coffee and toast it yourself even more accurate and more natural. For example, Brazilians prefer to roast coffee themselves and at the ready, factory, buy rare form of grain, as the taste of coffee depends on the type and duration of roasting.Green coffee beans
Preparation of green coffee
Green coffee beans to fry as we usually roast peanuts or sunflower seeds - on the hot pan stirring constantly until brown. 5-15 minutes to fry. Roasting time depends purely on your taste and verified in practice, after cooking and tasting the first cup of coffee. If you roasted coffee a little longer - the seeds will be more brown, more fragrant, and they will have more caffeine if fry less - the flavor and caffeine, respectively, will be less.The cost of green coffee
If the mind - green coffee should be cheaper as it is semi-finished product. But do not be surprised if you come across it in the store at exorbitant prices. Could history repeat itself with cane sugar, which is also a semi-finished product, and sold more expensive branded health benefits. Price of green coffee in Europe is 4-5 dollars a pound (453 grams) and is half the price of roasted coffee, so thrifty Europeans prefer to buy green coffee.Useful properties of green coffee
Green coffee is very rich in various vitamins and acids. Green coffee oil is very useful and is used in cosmetics and cellulite . After roasting, many of the useful properties are lost. Green coffee, as well as green tea, a strong antioxidant and can be used for weight loss . If you want to use the green coffee beans to maintain harmony, it is necessary to remember that nutritional and other valuable substances of green coffee are lost during prolonged storage, and when exposed to light or heat.The taste of green coffee beans grassy and astringent, it seems some sour and unpleasant.
Nescafé has found the middle ground between green and roasted coffee with the launch of a new coffee made from a mixture of green coffee beans and roasted beans. He looks like a normal granulated coffee, but according to the manufacturer, it is good for health because it contains polyphenols, in the antioxidants that help protect the body.
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
In China, it has become fashionable to drink coffee
According to historical records, in 1884, coffee was first successfully grown in Taiwan. In 1902, a French missionary brought the first coffee tree seedlings in the province of Yunnan, where they took well, says People's Daily. " Of those trees still left about 30, which continue to grow and bear fruit. In the mid-1950s, the century in some counties of Yunnan coffee has become an important crop.
Coffee "Arabica" in Yunnan strong, but not bitter, aromatic, but without the visual, with fruity acidity and very soft. Experts of the International Coffee Organization said Yunnan coffee with one of the highest quality in the world.
Today, a café serving coffee, appear like mushrooms after the rain, not only in large cities such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.
Currently, this is a new trendy look of consumption, even in small towns coffee market is expanding rapidly.
Coffee "Arabica" in Yunnan strong, but not bitter, aromatic, but without the visual, with fruity acidity and very soft. Experts of the International Coffee Organization said Yunnan coffee with one of the highest quality in the world.
Today, a café serving coffee, appear like mushrooms after the rain, not only in large cities such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.
Currently, this is a new trendy look of consumption, even in small towns coffee market is expanding rapidly.
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Instant coffee - Pros and Cons
Coffee consumption in Russia is growing every year. The consumption of instant coffee, our country came out on top. Growing and consumption of organic coffee, which can not be classified so popular in Russia and the CIS its soluble counterpart. And that does not say and how not to advertise the popular instant coffee, and components that we sell under the name of "100% pure instant coffee", nevertheless constitute arromatizatory and dyes, and they are very harmful to the human body.
Here's what the president says, "Rusteacoffee" Ramaz Chanturia in an interview with the newspaper "Izvestia": - "The fact that part of the green coffee (which is sold on world markets) in a soluble powder is not more than 15%."
Take, for example, instant noodles, and we find that it: about 20% of preservatives, as many flavors; sotvetstvenno the same proportion of dyes, the same amount of hardeners, acidity regulators and flavorings. And if your taste such products, then you can safely drink instant coffee. And remember that the producers never tell what it is made of instant coffee, and what it brings great harm.
Next Brief quotations from materials in soluble coffee.
-Win-natural green coffee (which is sold on world markets) in a soluble powder is not more than 15%.
-Instant coffee - the best friend of cellulite.
-100% natural otravimy coffee.
For complete dissolution of the powder in hot water (about 98 degrees), you will need half a minute in the cold (18 - 20 degrees) - 3 minutes: the time during which you can cook a soft-boiled egg, bread spread with butter and ... breakfast is ready.
Here's what the president says, "Rusteacoffee" Ramaz Chanturia in an interview with the newspaper "Izvestia": - "The fact that part of the green coffee (which is sold on world markets) in a soluble powder is not more than 15%."
Take, for example, instant noodles, and we find that it: about 20% of preservatives, as many flavors; sotvetstvenno the same proportion of dyes, the same amount of hardeners, acidity regulators and flavorings. And if your taste such products, then you can safely drink instant coffee. And remember that the producers never tell what it is made of instant coffee, and what it brings great harm.
Next Brief quotations from materials in soluble coffee.
-Win-natural green coffee (which is sold on world markets) in a soluble powder is not more than 15%.
-Instant coffee - the best friend of cellulite.
-100% natural otravimy coffee.
For complete dissolution of the powder in hot water (about 98 degrees), you will need half a minute in the cold (18 - 20 degrees) - 3 minutes: the time during which you can cook a soft-boiled egg, bread spread with butter and ... breakfast is ready.
Monday, June 24, 2013
The secret to beautiful skin is in coffee
The survey showed that daily consumption of two cups of coffee can slow down the aging process of the skin due to the content of antioxidants in the drink.
This discovery made by Professor Joe Vinson of the University of Scranton.
Researcher repelled by the provision that the sun and fresh air lead to aging of certain cells in the human body. The fact that oxygen provokes destruction of cells.
The wind can accelerate the aging process of the skin. In turn, the antioxidants in coffee neutralized dangerous forms of oxygen, known as free radicals.
It must be said that the survey also revealed several positive properties of coffee. Drink improves brain function by acting on his part, responsible for attention and memory. According to Joe Vinson, coffee may prevent memory loss and distraction in the elderly, reduce the risk of developing diabetes and cirrhosis of the liver.
This discovery made by Professor Joe Vinson of the University of Scranton.
Researcher repelled by the provision that the sun and fresh air lead to aging of certain cells in the human body. The fact that oxygen provokes destruction of cells.
The wind can accelerate the aging process of the skin. In turn, the antioxidants in coffee neutralized dangerous forms of oxygen, known as free radicals.
It must be said that the survey also revealed several positive properties of coffee. Drink improves brain function by acting on his part, responsible for attention and memory. According to Joe Vinson, coffee may prevent memory loss and distraction in the elderly, reduce the risk of developing diabetes and cirrhosis of the liver.
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Caution - caffeine!
We are all used to start your day with a cup of coffee, the taste of it so we are familiar and pleasant. Cheerfulness and energy for the whole day, but what makes us time and time again to increase the portions and be a slave to this fascinating beverage. It is time to understand what makes us this caffeine addiction.
Caffeine - the most popular kind of drug in the world, and available to everyone.
affeine is found in caffeinated beans, tea leaves and cocoa seeds. Cacao seeds used for preparing chocolate. In just one cup of coffee contains four times more caffeine than a chocolate bar. Caffeine stimulates the nervous system and brain cells turned on. What happens when we use the usual dose of this drug?Well, first of all, our heart starts beating like a jet engine, thus begins pumped more blood, as soon as it hits the muscles, we become like a rabbit with a vigorous perennial charge the batteries.
But as soon quit to replace the rainbow mood comes anxiety, headaches, indigestion and a lot of different troubles. And it all started with the first drink to be addictive enough to only 350 mg of caffeine.
And what about those, you say, who would never be able to "jump" from the drug? no one is to blame, that the thirst for pleasure is in each of us. Output is always there! For those who can not overcome his weakness in itself, there is, there are many varieties of coffee without caffeine. The method of obtaining this rather simple coffee, caffeine grain evaporated until obtaining a white powder which is caffeine. He, in turn, serves as a valuable product for the pharmaceutical companies, manufacturers of soft drinks such as coca-Cola, pepsi.
No wonder the athletes participating in the Olympic Games prohibit use caffeine as it is one of the drugs prohibited. It can be explained that the muscles of an athlete getting tougher and the victory came down to him not deserved!
Caffeine - the most popular kind of drug in the world, and available to everyone.
affeine is found in caffeinated beans, tea leaves and cocoa seeds. Cacao seeds used for preparing chocolate. In just one cup of coffee contains four times more caffeine than a chocolate bar. Caffeine stimulates the nervous system and brain cells turned on. What happens when we use the usual dose of this drug?Well, first of all, our heart starts beating like a jet engine, thus begins pumped more blood, as soon as it hits the muscles, we become like a rabbit with a vigorous perennial charge the batteries.
But as soon quit to replace the rainbow mood comes anxiety, headaches, indigestion and a lot of different troubles. And it all started with the first drink to be addictive enough to only 350 mg of caffeine.
And what about those, you say, who would never be able to "jump" from the drug? no one is to blame, that the thirst for pleasure is in each of us. Output is always there! For those who can not overcome his weakness in itself, there is, there are many varieties of coffee without caffeine. The method of obtaining this rather simple coffee, caffeine grain evaporated until obtaining a white powder which is caffeine. He, in turn, serves as a valuable product for the pharmaceutical companies, manufacturers of soft drinks such as coca-Cola, pepsi.
No wonder the athletes participating in the Olympic Games prohibit use caffeine as it is one of the drugs prohibited. It can be explained that the muscles of an athlete getting tougher and the victory came down to him not deserved!
Saturday, June 22, 2013
How to cook a delicious cup of coffee
In a properly processed coffee has a lot of useful to man water-soluble compounds - the highest grade beans more in triage - less. It is believed that the most delicious and aromatic coffee is when dissolved in water, about 19-20% of grinding. If less soluble, coffee turns weak and pale in color, bad taste does not improve, even if we add more coffee (for example, 50% of coffee is bitter and astringent). So what does it take to cook a delicious cup of coffee, in other words, what determines the solubility of ground coffee?
Sealed coffee with a fountain
It is also called vacuum espresso, sometimes - the espresso machine (the Italian Espresso - fast, squeezed, squeezed). The principle of operation is the same as that of coffee with a fountain, but improved.Comprising coffee two parts screwed tightly into one another and connected by a tube to raise the boiling water. The water in a boiling pot bottom and pushed by the ever-increasing pressure steam through a tube rises in a strainer with a medium ground coffee seeps through and flows into the upper vessel. Coffee prepared in this way is much tastier, as the water does not have time boiling.
Device with a pressure
In 1946, the Italian Achilles Gaggia invented the so-called espresso - a device with pressure. In it a boiling water under high pressure, together with the vapors in pryskivaetsya in ground coffee, so it is much stronger than just brewed water the same temperature. Large device used in the cafe, and for the house they are made much smaller.
Coffee beans
It is desirable that the coffee was top grade, aromatic. You can restore the aroma roasting beans. If stronger roast grain bad coffee, it will be darker, bitter and astringent. A second important condition - the seeds need to be roasted and freshly milled properly.How to take coffee
The amount of ground coffee for brewing recruited to taste and the way prigtovleniya, averaging about 1-2 teaspoons (10-12 grams) per cup of water (180 cc.) - To medium bodied and the same for strong coffee.Coffee is not tasty nor when it takes a little, nor when taken much. The fact that the solubility depends on the ratio of coffee and water. this ratio is best to find himself, and, finding no change. For example, try a few ways of coffee brewing - choose a variety of grains, the amount of grinding, water, etc. If there is a need to prepare a weaker drink, have already made strong coffee diluted with hot water, so he has not got a bad taste or not sated undesirable compounds.Water
Coffee water should be clean, clear, fresh (never boiled), odorless, very soft. It is important to remember that coffee is not brewed and brewed!In no case can't be boiled - not when prepared, nor when heated, so as to get the broth harmful or even toxic substances (sign: bad taste, odor). Most useful compounds of ground coffee dissolves in water having a temperature 93-96 °, for some time - depending on the method of preparation of coffee, by grinding and soft water.Consequently, the taste of coffee depends on its ability to maintain the necessary time welding temperature. So she quickly gets cold, it warmed up a bit (for example, in the production of coffee in Oriental) or a pre-heated dishes, in which the coffee "matures" (when brewed in a pot).Crockery
Coffee is suitable utensils of porcelain, earthenware, glass, stainless steel, silver, copper, enamel ware - not only of aluminum, rusting alloys: they spoil the taste and injurious to health. Simple coffee pot, and ibrik (Cezve / Turk), and more complex devices is very important to keep clean as plaque coffee gorknet eventually spoils the taste of the drink. Dishes are designed to prepare and serve coffee is not recommended to maintain and, especially, to wash together with other kitchen appliances that it is not soaked with foreign smells. Suitable for washing soda or slightly acidic water - everything else is hurting the taste and aroma of coffee. How to choose a good coffee - this is indicated by manufacturers to the smallest detail, but there are general rules.- new coffee maker should definitely wash with hot water, then hold it there hot coffee. The first two welding pour (maybe a bad smell).
- after using the coffee machine to wash with hot water to clean off the ash brown patina, and sometimes wash out the entire system: pour the acidic water and boil.
- disposable paper filters are disposed of after use, and used regularly cleaned thoroughly.
Dishes for brewing
Better (healthier and tastier) if it is enameled or stainless steel are slightly tapered towards the top. Pleasant to use one that has a convenient spout for pouring coffee, a comfortable handle, which is not taking burn your hand or fingers. Coffee pot is heated, the required amount of coffee is poured, poured just the boiled water, put on fire and as soon as the foam rises, is removed. There are fans, which are then again put on the fire and allow the foam to rise again. Remove from heat welding is allowed to stand for 5-10 minutes. To sediment has settled to the bottom faster, you can pour a drop of cold boiled water.Brewed coffee can be so: a pot of cold water to boil, cover the required amount of coffee, stir with a spoon, hold the fire until the foam rises and immediately remove from heat. When preparing coffee in the above manner, he loses some of the flavor in addition to the beverage gets a lot of shallow grounds, so coffee is not very pleasant to the taste.Reduce some of this lack of coffee helps with moving mesh, which, in the French manner, referred to as a cafeteria. Welded in a pot, it is closed with a raised kryzhechkoy piston, which in a few minutes (3-5-10) when the coffee infusion (depending on the liquid) is lowered slowly down - with it, and settles at the bottom of the coffee grounds.How to make a good coffee?
Coffee pot for brewing coffee
By taking the tall thin pot to better settled coffee grounds. Rinsed with hot water, then poured the required amount of coffee coarse or medium ground, filled with just the boiled fresh water, kept a couple of minutes, stirred, kept the same number and poured into a cup.Coffee pot with a watering can
Coffee pot is heated, inserted watering plastic or porcelain, into a paper or cloth sitichko sleep finely ground coffee, put in a watering can and pour a small amount of just the boiled water to the powder swollen.Ptom in a watering can is filled with just the right amount of the boiled water and left. And as the water seeps through the thick sitichko slowly, coffee pot must be heated to a very low heat for about half an hour to coffee does not become rancid.Percolator
Produced coffee pots and a strainer - is inserted on top of a cup with holes into which is placed a paper or cloth sieve with finely ground coffee and freshly poured the boiled water. Sam pot is placed on a heated plate. Coffee is drunk as soon as it stops dripping from the strainer.Tea with a fountain
Sometimes the pot is inserted into the trkbochka, soedinayayuschayasya with holes in the bottom of the frequent strainer at the top, where the medium ground coffee is poured. Boiling water rises up through a tube, filters through the coffee powder and then flows down. Worst of all, when the water is boiled 6-8 minutes, it turns out badly overcooked.
Sealed coffee with a fountain
It is also called vacuum espresso, sometimes - the espresso machine (the Italian Espresso - fast, squeezed, squeezed). The principle of operation is the same as that of coffee with a fountain, but improved.Comprising coffee two parts screwed tightly into one another and connected by a tube to raise the boiling water. The water in a boiling pot bottom and pushed by the ever-increasing pressure steam through a tube rises in a strainer with a medium ground coffee seeps through and flows into the upper vessel. Coffee prepared in this way is much tastier, as the water does not have time boiling.
Device with a pressure
In 1946, the Italian Achilles Gaggia invented the so-called espresso - a device with pressure. In it a boiling water under high pressure, together with the vapors in pryskivaetsya in ground coffee, so it is much stronger than just brewed water the same temperature. Large device used in the cafe, and for the house they are made much smaller.
Eastern coffee
This vessel, flaring and tapering upward, with convenient spout for pouring coffee and a long handle. It is also called by the Turks (ibrik, dzhazve). It is filled special finely ground coffee, filled with fresh soft water and heated in a hot pkske or over very low heat until the foam rises. Sometimes she gives up a few times, but do not rkomenduetsya.Coffee prepared in this way, strong and aromatic.Unblended coffee
A single international classification coffee, unfortunately, and perhaps fortunately, no. Attempts to build a coherent classification of varieties kofeproizvodyaschimi taken by many countries: by region, manufacturers, on the size and hardness of the grain, the height growth of coffee trees.Typically, consumers have become accustomed to determine the right kind of coffee-producing countries (Colombian Coffee - Columbian coffee), regions, states or provinces (Brazil Arabica - Brazilian Arabica). Sometimes it is named after the mountain or valley, where the coffee was produced (Tanzanian Kilimanjaro-Tanzanian Kilimanjaro) or after the town (Columbia Armenia-Columbian Armenia) and even a port (Brazilian Santos - Brazilian Santos).
Recently come across the names of varieties, bearing the name of the chateau (translated from French means "estate", "lock").
Classification by grain size less bulky. Large denoted by the letter A (India), medium - A two (Kenya, Tanzania), small - three A (Peru).
In Latin America, the most common classification of grain hardness. The higher the coffee plantation, the harder the coffee beans. Meanwhile, it means they are better and of higher quality.
Each unmixed grade - its original and unique taste. There are about ten and they underlie different coffee blends. The main conditions that determine the quality of the coffee - the scent, color saturation (the "weight" in the language of coffee), acidity (brightness, sharpness drink) and taste (does not need to be clarified). However, in England, was published dictionary, which contains definitions of 1200, evaluating the taste of coffee.
Recently come across the names of varieties, bearing the name of the chateau (translated from French means "estate", "lock").
Classification by grain size less bulky. Large denoted by the letter A (India), medium - A two (Kenya, Tanzania), small - three A (Peru).
In Latin America, the most common classification of grain hardness. The higher the coffee plantation, the harder the coffee beans. Meanwhile, it means they are better and of higher quality.
Each unmixed grade - its original and unique taste. There are about ten and they underlie different coffee blends. The main conditions that determine the quality of the coffee - the scent, color saturation (the "weight" in the language of coffee), acidity (brightness, sharpness drink) and taste (does not need to be clarified). However, in England, was published dictionary, which contains definitions of 1200, evaluating the taste of coffee.
Friday, June 21, 2013
A little of the history of coffee
Coffee - kind of small evergreen trees or shrubs of the family Rubiaceae. Reach 12 meters in height. Leaves entire, leathery, dark green.
The flowers are regular shape, both sexes, white with a long tube and a separate five-limb collected for 3 - 7 in the leaf axils. The fruits kostochkoobraznye, more or less juicy, red or black and blue size of a large cherry. Each has two flattened fruit seeds, so-called coffee beans. Flowering and fruiting starts from the 4th, 5th year.
One year tree gives about 1 kg of grains. There are more than fifty species of coffee. It is widespread in the tropics, mainly in Arabia, Africa, Asia and South America.
One of the most famous coffee - Arabian, a drink made from beans which first began to be used by people. In the 16th - 17th century Arabia was the only country to grow coffee. In the first half of the 17th century began to drink coffee consumed in Europe.
In the 18th century, the coffee tree transported to America. Seeds are coffee sugar, protein and tannin, fatty oils, organic acids, and 0.8 - 2.43% (depending on the variety) caffeine.
Seeds for coffee beans are roasted for 25 - 30 minutes at 180 - 200 degrees Celsius, after which they acquire their taste, flavor and a pleasant brown color. Coffee also called coffee beans and drink which is produced from them.
The flowers are regular shape, both sexes, white with a long tube and a separate five-limb collected for 3 - 7 in the leaf axils. The fruits kostochkoobraznye, more or less juicy, red or black and blue size of a large cherry. Each has two flattened fruit seeds, so-called coffee beans. Flowering and fruiting starts from the 4th, 5th year.
One year tree gives about 1 kg of grains. There are more than fifty species of coffee. It is widespread in the tropics, mainly in Arabia, Africa, Asia and South America.
One of the most famous coffee - Arabian, a drink made from beans which first began to be used by people. In the 16th - 17th century Arabia was the only country to grow coffee. In the first half of the 17th century began to drink coffee consumed in Europe.
In the 18th century, the coffee tree transported to America. Seeds are coffee sugar, protein and tannin, fatty oils, organic acids, and 0.8 - 2.43% (depending on the variety) caffeine.
Seeds for coffee beans are roasted for 25 - 30 minutes at 180 - 200 degrees Celsius, after which they acquire their taste, flavor and a pleasant brown color. Coffee also called coffee beans and drink which is produced from them.
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Can I drink coffee in pregnant?
American scientists have found that even a small dose of caffeine daily consumption of a pregnant woman, can impair the development of heart disease in the offspring. In a study conducted on mice, they also showed that caffeine increases fat deposits in male children.
Scientists at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut, conducted a series of experiments on four groups of mice. The first two groups were kept in normal air, the latter - in an atmosphere of oxygen with the half. In both cases, one group of mice injected with caffeine in an amount equivalent to the standard human dose (approximately two cups of coffee of medium strength) and the other group - isotonic saline solution control.
It was found that regardless of the content of caffeine led to a refinement of the partitions between the chambers of the heart in the offspring. In addition, in adult male mice whose mothers received caffeine during pregnancy, an average of 20% body fat mass increased by 35-38% and reduced contractile function of the heart.
According to the head of Rivkisa Scott (Scott Rivkees), women should refrain from regular use of caffeine during pregnancy, especially in its early timing. In order to avoid the risk of deprivation of the question, "Can I drink coffee pregnant?", the answer is better not!
Scientists at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut, conducted a series of experiments on four groups of mice. The first two groups were kept in normal air, the latter - in an atmosphere of oxygen with the half. In both cases, one group of mice injected with caffeine in an amount equivalent to the standard human dose (approximately two cups of coffee of medium strength) and the other group - isotonic saline solution control.
It was found that regardless of the content of caffeine led to a refinement of the partitions between the chambers of the heart in the offspring. In addition, in adult male mice whose mothers received caffeine during pregnancy, an average of 20% body fat mass increased by 35-38% and reduced contractile function of the heart.
According to the head of Rivkisa Scott (Scott Rivkees), women should refrain from regular use of caffeine during pregnancy, especially in its early timing. In order to avoid the risk of deprivation of the question, "Can I drink coffee pregnant?", the answer is better not!
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Unknown grade coffee giant lives in Madagascar
The giant coffee bean, bean pods to 30 cm and 38 orchids. Botany, Royal Botanic Gardens told Infox.ru, what other unique plants are found throughout the world.
It is believed that the planet is growing by about 350,000 species of plants. And even if you do not take into account the view that the species is much more work by botanists many more. The fact that so far described about 287,000 species of plants.
Where there are new types of coffee...
A representative set of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (London) told Infox.ru, which recently specialists of this botanical garden has discovered and described 292 new species of plants. A complete list will appear in the January issue of the journal Herbarium. So far, scientists have compiled an electronic map where you can see the geographical distribution of all 292 species and even learn from their botanical descriptions.
Most of all - about a hundred - scientists have found a new species in Eastern and Southern Africa (Tanzania in only one of 67 species). Features a wealth of flora distinguished themselves as the islands of Madagascar and Borneo.
Professor Stephen Hopper (Stephen Hopper), director of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, said: "Few people know that every year up to 2000, scientists describe new species. The specialists of our botanical gardens are making a significant contribution to this figure. Locate and describe new species is indeed very important. After all, in order to save some rare or endangered plants, we must first know where they are growing. "
Huge bean pods with giant
Among the many new species is very unusual plants. For example, the giant trees of rainforests of Cameroon. Height Berlinia korupensis can reach 42 meters and trunk diameter greater than one meter. Berlininia belongs to the legume family (Leguminosae). Dr. Xander van der Burgt (Xander van der Burgt) says that it has an unusually large fruit plants - giant pods longer than 30 cm are formed after a huge white flowers wither. "It is extremely rare plant: we found only 17 individuals in the entire Korup National Park in Cameroon," - he says.
High-altitude orchids
The experts of the Royal Botanic Gardens on orchids Dr. Jeff Wood (Jeff Wood) and Dr Phil Cribb (Phil Cribb) discovered this year, and described 38 new species of these magnificent plants. Most of the species, scientists have found at an altitude of 4095 meters on Mount Kinabalu - the highest point of the island of Borneo. "Flora Kinabalu striking rich. An area of approximately 1,200 square kilometers found 866 different species of orchids, "- says Dr. Cribb.
Coffee trees with unusual fruits
Another interesting find - unusual coffee trees. Their scientists discovered on the island of Madagascar, in the mountains of the north. For example, Coffea pterocarpa has a grain, as if covered with wings similar to fruit-lionfish. A Coffea boinensis has the largest seeds of all known species of coffee plants - the seeds of the coffee is almost two times more than the well-known grain Arabica coffee.
The legacy of past eras
Another species found, aquatic plant that lives in fresh water, - Isoetes eludens. This plant belongs to the department lycopsids - higher spore plant genus Polushnik. This is a very ancient group, the oldest fossil imprints of these plants date back to the age of about 150 million years. "It's amazing that this small plant height of 5 centimeters we managed to find a mountain lake in South Africa" - says Professor Hopper.
Sweet potato tuber with a huge
Another rare type of yam Dioscorea strydomiana scientists have discovered in South Africa. According to biologists in the world, there are only 200 individuals of this plant. Dioscorea strydomiana like shrub, however, very unusual - with a huge hard tuber that grows above the ground and reaches a diameter and a height of one meter.
Brazil and this time has left scientists with no surprises - very original and new Brazilian passion fruit (Passiflora cristalina) with huge white edible fruits.
Scientists say that many species of these plants is very rare and vulnerable. Some plants are valued for their medicinal properties and other types simply are endangered because their habitats are disappearing - cut down rainforests.
So you need to have time to take measures for their conservation in nature, or at least as a living herbarium grow these plants in the botanical gardens.
It is believed that the planet is growing by about 350,000 species of plants. And even if you do not take into account the view that the species is much more work by botanists many more. The fact that so far described about 287,000 species of plants.
Where there are new types of coffee...
A representative set of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (London) told Infox.ru, which recently specialists of this botanical garden has discovered and described 292 new species of plants. A complete list will appear in the January issue of the journal Herbarium. So far, scientists have compiled an electronic map where you can see the geographical distribution of all 292 species and even learn from their botanical descriptions.
Most of all - about a hundred - scientists have found a new species in Eastern and Southern Africa (Tanzania in only one of 67 species). Features a wealth of flora distinguished themselves as the islands of Madagascar and Borneo.
Professor Stephen Hopper (Stephen Hopper), director of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, said: "Few people know that every year up to 2000, scientists describe new species. The specialists of our botanical gardens are making a significant contribution to this figure. Locate and describe new species is indeed very important. After all, in order to save some rare or endangered plants, we must first know where they are growing. "
Huge bean pods with giant
Among the many new species is very unusual plants. For example, the giant trees of rainforests of Cameroon. Height Berlinia korupensis can reach 42 meters and trunk diameter greater than one meter. Berlininia belongs to the legume family (Leguminosae). Dr. Xander van der Burgt (Xander van der Burgt) says that it has an unusually large fruit plants - giant pods longer than 30 cm are formed after a huge white flowers wither. "It is extremely rare plant: we found only 17 individuals in the entire Korup National Park in Cameroon," - he says.
High-altitude orchids
The experts of the Royal Botanic Gardens on orchids Dr. Jeff Wood (Jeff Wood) and Dr Phil Cribb (Phil Cribb) discovered this year, and described 38 new species of these magnificent plants. Most of the species, scientists have found at an altitude of 4095 meters on Mount Kinabalu - the highest point of the island of Borneo. "Flora Kinabalu striking rich. An area of approximately 1,200 square kilometers found 866 different species of orchids, "- says Dr. Cribb.
Coffee trees with unusual fruits
Another interesting find - unusual coffee trees. Their scientists discovered on the island of Madagascar, in the mountains of the north. For example, Coffea pterocarpa has a grain, as if covered with wings similar to fruit-lionfish. A Coffea boinensis has the largest seeds of all known species of coffee plants - the seeds of the coffee is almost two times more than the well-known grain Arabica coffee.
The legacy of past eras
Another species found, aquatic plant that lives in fresh water, - Isoetes eludens. This plant belongs to the department lycopsids - higher spore plant genus Polushnik. This is a very ancient group, the oldest fossil imprints of these plants date back to the age of about 150 million years. "It's amazing that this small plant height of 5 centimeters we managed to find a mountain lake in South Africa" - says Professor Hopper.
Sweet potato tuber with a huge
Another rare type of yam Dioscorea strydomiana scientists have discovered in South Africa. According to biologists in the world, there are only 200 individuals of this plant. Dioscorea strydomiana like shrub, however, very unusual - with a huge hard tuber that grows above the ground and reaches a diameter and a height of one meter.
Brazil and this time has left scientists with no surprises - very original and new Brazilian passion fruit (Passiflora cristalina) with huge white edible fruits.
Scientists say that many species of these plants is very rare and vulnerable. Some plants are valued for their medicinal properties and other types simply are endangered because their habitats are disappearing - cut down rainforests.
So you need to have time to take measures for their conservation in nature, or at least as a living herbarium grow these plants in the botanical gardens.
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
The most expensive coffee in the world
The most expensive coffee in the world - Kopi Luwak - is made from grains is not some sort of unique, but rather a unique way of life. Kopi in Indonesian means "coffee", and Luwak - this is a small animal, a species of civet, the animal civet family.Luwak is a small predator, but loves to eat ripe fruit of the coffee tree, and choose the best. Coffee he eats a lot more than it can digest. Undigested grains passing through the intestines of animals are exposed to it, and enzymes, as lovers swear Kopi Luwak, acquire a unique taste and aroma. A kilo of coffee, which has helped to be born lyuvak, costs from 300 to 400 dollars. Most consumers of the class, as, indeed, is usually the case with all the expensive food, lives in Japan.
Monday, June 17, 2013
At the present time - Robusta - the only significant competitor to the cultivated species of Arabica coffee. Robusta is now about 30% of world coffee production. This type of coffee is grown at low altitude, robusta trees above in size than the Arabica trees.
Robusta can make tight, but tasteless and low-quality beverage with higher levels of caffeine than Arabica. This type of coffee is used as the main component for the production of instant coffee, as well as for economy commercial mixtures. Robusta is not used in the coffee market specialty, other than in exceptional cases, adding it to increase body drink in some mixture of Italian style.
Historically, this type of coffee has begun to develop and actively cultivated during the development of the competitive wars in America and Europe in the 40-50's, when producers by reducing the cost of the product were trying to increase their market share. In this over-active use of robusta in some countries has led to a decrease in the level of coffee consumption as a product, and the general decline in the market. See also arabica coffee.
Robusta can make tight, but tasteless and low-quality beverage with higher levels of caffeine than Arabica. This type of coffee is used as the main component for the production of instant coffee, as well as for economy commercial mixtures. Robusta is not used in the coffee market specialty, other than in exceptional cases, adding it to increase body drink in some mixture of Italian style.
Historically, this type of coffee has begun to develop and actively cultivated during the development of the competitive wars in America and Europe in the 40-50's, when producers by reducing the cost of the product were trying to increase their market share. In this over-active use of robusta in some countries has led to a decrease in the level of coffee consumption as a product, and the general decline in the market. See also arabica coffee.
Sunday, June 16, 2013
How to choose the ground coffee
Ready ground coffee taste and aroma, of course, is second only to that of roasted and crushed, but this is the best option for those who prefer not to drink instant and fresh brewed beverage.
How did he do that? First, companies from different countries are purchasing green corn in Brazil, India, Colombia and Kenya, and then at home (closer to the consumer), toast, grind, create all kinds of varietal blend and pack. So on the shelves you can find ground coffee from Italy, Germany, France, Russia, etc. How to choose the perfect beverage quality, grinding, roast and mix varieties, says Ramaz Chanturia, General Director of the Association "Rusteacoffee."
For Turks - dust, for machines - grains
To choose the best for you with coffee, first decide, how will you cook it - depends on the product of grinding what you need. If varish drink in Turku or geyser coffee machine, choose a powder, crushed almost to dust. If Using A filter coffee maker or espresso machine, one must look for medium and large coffee grind - from fine you will obscure the taste of a drink. For information about how much pulverized powder contained in the pack, look at the label.
If you gain the domestic coffee, choose a product with the guests premium or premium - this sign will give you the assurance that the grains are ground well and evenly roasted.
Italians love coffe without beans
Another important factor that affects the taste and aroma of coffee - its degree of doneness. She is weak, medium, strong and maximum, but a clear classification in this case is not, therefore, on the labels of this characteristic can be called quite differently - for example, the domestic product on STATE called svetloobzharennym, sredneobzharennym, temnoobzharennym or higher degree of roasting. Which option you choose depends only on your preferences, because the higher the degree of roasting, the more intense coffee flavor with a bitter coffee gets. If you love fragrant and soft drink, buy a product with a minimum of frying.
By the way, the majority of manufacturers produce a different product, but the Italian coffee is more often heavily roasted.
Coffee with caffeine and without
Coffees can be thousands - they are different from each other shades of taste, flavor, astringency, acidity, because the seeds came in very different circumstances. For example, "Jamaica Blue Mountain" (costs about 16 thousand rubles. Per 1 kg) grows only on the eponymous island of the Caribbean, and in the production of "Kopi Luwak" (the price - about 24 thousand rubles. Per 1 kg) involved animals palm civet - they eat the berries, but the seeds in their bodies are not digested, and go along with feces and collected people.
However, all varieties of coffee are two main Species - Arabica and Robusta (there Liberica and ekselsa, but they maloplodovity and used very rarely.) Sometimes manufacturers put in only one coffee packaging - in this case write "100% arabica". But more often mix the two species in different proportions: if you see on the label the words "espresso", then in the inside packs blend of Arabica and Robusta in the ratio of 50/50, 60/40 or 70/30. Well, if the manufacturer has indicated the exact composition of the mixture, because a lot depends on this. For example, in arabica less caffeine.
It gives the drink a rich flavor, aroma and slightly sour. But Robusta more strong, bitter and contains more caffeine. If you have heart problems, but you do not want to give up a morning cup of flavored drink, look for packages labeled "decaffeinated" - a substance learned to pull out the green beans and make coffee, devoid of invigorating effect. Coffee chocolate, amaretto, hazelnut In recent years become increasingly popular ground coffee with flavors of chocolate, brandy, amaretto, nuts, vanilla and cinnamon. Is it possible to distinguish between natural drink from the chemical? Basically, just do it. If the addition of the spices (cardamom, pepper, cinnamon, vanilla, nutmeg), then it is 90% natural product. But the other flavors (alcohol, chocolate, almonds, pine nuts, fruit) will likely be artificial or natural identical - the latter, incidentally, is preferable. However, true gourmets are sure that quality "pure" coffee itself is so good that extra flavoring did not need.
Vacuum cake - the best
During the roasting of grain in the central part creates a gas bubble, which concentrate flavoring. When the coffee is ground, it is destroyed and valuable enchanting scent begins to evaporate. Knowing such a feature, do not buy pre-packaged in paper bags product, and ask him to grind in front of you. If you gain the factory ground, choose a coffee in a solid brick of a vacuum - in this form it is better to retain their properties. Just see that the package is not damaged (in which case it becomes a little bland in places) and did not buy a large stack, because after opening you can not protect coffee from the "withering". In contrast to vacuum briquettes in soft packaging product is a little changes its properties, but some of them have a one-way membrane that lets air out and prevents it to get into the package. It is needed and from a technological point of view - that the gases do not accumulate in the pack and did not blow it, and from a consumer - you can put pressure on the bag and smell the product that is purchased.
By opening the package, the first thing sniff its contents, because a characteristic delicious flavor - the main indicator of fresh and high-quality ground coffee.
How did he do that? First, companies from different countries are purchasing green corn in Brazil, India, Colombia and Kenya, and then at home (closer to the consumer), toast, grind, create all kinds of varietal blend and pack. So on the shelves you can find ground coffee from Italy, Germany, France, Russia, etc. How to choose the perfect beverage quality, grinding, roast and mix varieties, says Ramaz Chanturia, General Director of the Association "Rusteacoffee."
For Turks - dust, for machines - grains
To choose the best for you with coffee, first decide, how will you cook it - depends on the product of grinding what you need. If varish drink in Turku or geyser coffee machine, choose a powder, crushed almost to dust. If Using A filter coffee maker or espresso machine, one must look for medium and large coffee grind - from fine you will obscure the taste of a drink. For information about how much pulverized powder contained in the pack, look at the label.
If you gain the domestic coffee, choose a product with the guests premium or premium - this sign will give you the assurance that the grains are ground well and evenly roasted.
Italians love coffe without beans
Another important factor that affects the taste and aroma of coffee - its degree of doneness. She is weak, medium, strong and maximum, but a clear classification in this case is not, therefore, on the labels of this characteristic can be called quite differently - for example, the domestic product on STATE called svetloobzharennym, sredneobzharennym, temnoobzharennym or higher degree of roasting. Which option you choose depends only on your preferences, because the higher the degree of roasting, the more intense coffee flavor with a bitter coffee gets. If you love fragrant and soft drink, buy a product with a minimum of frying.
By the way, the majority of manufacturers produce a different product, but the Italian coffee is more often heavily roasted.
Coffee with caffeine and without
Coffees can be thousands - they are different from each other shades of taste, flavor, astringency, acidity, because the seeds came in very different circumstances. For example, "Jamaica Blue Mountain" (costs about 16 thousand rubles. Per 1 kg) grows only on the eponymous island of the Caribbean, and in the production of "Kopi Luwak" (the price - about 24 thousand rubles. Per 1 kg) involved animals palm civet - they eat the berries, but the seeds in their bodies are not digested, and go along with feces and collected people.
However, all varieties of coffee are two main Species - Arabica and Robusta (there Liberica and ekselsa, but they maloplodovity and used very rarely.) Sometimes manufacturers put in only one coffee packaging - in this case write "100% arabica". But more often mix the two species in different proportions: if you see on the label the words "espresso", then in the inside packs blend of Arabica and Robusta in the ratio of 50/50, 60/40 or 70/30. Well, if the manufacturer has indicated the exact composition of the mixture, because a lot depends on this. For example, in arabica less caffeine.
It gives the drink a rich flavor, aroma and slightly sour. But Robusta more strong, bitter and contains more caffeine. If you have heart problems, but you do not want to give up a morning cup of flavored drink, look for packages labeled "decaffeinated" - a substance learned to pull out the green beans and make coffee, devoid of invigorating effect. Coffee chocolate, amaretto, hazelnut In recent years become increasingly popular ground coffee with flavors of chocolate, brandy, amaretto, nuts, vanilla and cinnamon. Is it possible to distinguish between natural drink from the chemical? Basically, just do it. If the addition of the spices (cardamom, pepper, cinnamon, vanilla, nutmeg), then it is 90% natural product. But the other flavors (alcohol, chocolate, almonds, pine nuts, fruit) will likely be artificial or natural identical - the latter, incidentally, is preferable. However, true gourmets are sure that quality "pure" coffee itself is so good that extra flavoring did not need.
Vacuum cake - the best
During the roasting of grain in the central part creates a gas bubble, which concentrate flavoring. When the coffee is ground, it is destroyed and valuable enchanting scent begins to evaporate. Knowing such a feature, do not buy pre-packaged in paper bags product, and ask him to grind in front of you. If you gain the factory ground, choose a coffee in a solid brick of a vacuum - in this form it is better to retain their properties. Just see that the package is not damaged (in which case it becomes a little bland in places) and did not buy a large stack, because after opening you can not protect coffee from the "withering". In contrast to vacuum briquettes in soft packaging product is a little changes its properties, but some of them have a one-way membrane that lets air out and prevents it to get into the package. It is needed and from a technological point of view - that the gases do not accumulate in the pack and did not blow it, and from a consumer - you can put pressure on the bag and smell the product that is purchased.
By opening the package, the first thing sniff its contents, because a characteristic delicious flavor - the main indicator of fresh and high-quality ground coffee.
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Several unusual varieties of coffee

Coffee threes
All the variety of coffee varieties is reduced to almost two varieties - arabica and robusta. This division is not by chance - by types of coffee trees. Arabian coffee tree (Coffea arabica) gives a more expensive coffee, which has a bright and deep flavor.
Kanefora Robusta coffee trees (Coffea Canephora) is characterized by a high content of caffeine in the beans. It is a cheaper coffee. Robusta beans are usually diluted to reduce the cost of arabica coffee finished product.
Strictly speaking, there is Liberica. Fruit quality Liberica low. They are used only for the creation of various mixtures.
Ivory Kofeglot
One of the world's most expensive coffee Kopi Luwak costs $ 160 a pound. To be exported from Indonesia. Coffee beans receive the most natural treatment of the possible - in the stomach of wild civet cat tree (also known as civet cat), living in the tropical jungles of the islands of Java and Sumatra. Animals regale coffee fruit, selecting the best, most ripe and fragrant ones. Strange but true, the body of the grain output in virtually undigested form. But as a result of processing in the stomach and the digestive enzymes of the bacteria significantly improved taste. Local people are scouring the jungle and collect unusual feces. For a year they are collected only 10-50 kg. Hence the high price of the product. Connoisseurs of the drink claim that the "cat" coffee taste of burnt sugar. University of Guelph in Canada, studied composition grains Kopi Luwak. Experts have found that they have less protein, also below the bacterial background.
Fans will appreciate the most exclusive and coffee Hacienda La Esmeralda (Panama). Price - $ 104 per pound. Coffee trees of this variety are enticing name of "geisha". To the Japanese priestesses of love sort of irrelevant. Area of Ethiopia, where coffee trees grow, "geisha" is called Gesha. The letter "J" added insightful plantation owners in order to attract interest in the product.
Royal Class
But the real geisha prefer a sweet aroma and pure taste of coffee ... French King Louis XV, and the writer Honore de Balzac. In the country of the Rising Sun has recently reproduced the unique variety of coffee, lost in the first half of the last century. Coffee company UCC Ueshima Coffee has recreated the famous "Bourbon pointe" and now sells it at the price of 7350 yen (about $ 60) per 100 grams.
Originally favorite kind of French nobility variety was bred in the heyday of the Bourbon dynasty in France at the end of the XVII century. Coffee beans were brought from Yemen to the island of Reunion, where they happened rare double mutation. The great novelist Honore de Balzac said of the action of alcoholic drink: "all flash, thoughts crowded as the great army battalions on the battlefield."
During World War II, a unique sort of faded. The Japanese company has revived the "royal" coffee, but not in a hurry to establish its mass production. Elite Class is available to only the most secured gourmets.
Is cheap and sort of Island of St.Helena Coffee (island of Saint Helena, Africa) - $ 79za pound. You know, and here without French gourmets has not done. Or rather a gourmet, but very regal. Napoleon was exiled adored local coffee. This fact was made public in a hundred years after the death of the emperor and strongly influenced the price of a drink. Preserved statements regarding Bonaparte invigorating drink: "Strong coffee revives me. It brings me a warm, amazing energy, and the pain, which made fun. I like to suffer more than not suffer. "
Drink 007
The British royal family and the popular movie character James Bond, too, have their own preferences, they give up their coffee Jamaican Blue Mountain (Jamaica) - $ 49 per pound. "Blue Mountain" is named after the mountain range, where it grows. Plantations on which it is grown, are located on the slopes at the top of an extinct volcano at 1,500 m above sea level. In addition, this coffee full of flavor rum casks in which it was transported.
Similar to the method of cultivation and Colombian coffee "Pico". It is grown on volcanic soil in the valley Dupar, and export from the legendary walled city of Cartagena, standing on the shore of the Pacific Ocean. Distinguish the subtle flavor of the drink notes of pine needles.
Science is advancing, and American enthusiasts invented another type of coffee ... sound. The inventors claim that the brain can be stimulated by the sounds of various types. They suggest using an invigorating, stimulating audio recording, which was referred to as Coffee Replacement («Coffee substitute").
Species and varieties of coffee
For the first time people paid attention to the coffee culture in Africa, and its cultivation was born, naturally there. Then, coffee spread to the first favorable to its growing Asian countries, and later the Americas, taking the place of the main agricultural crops in many states.
This story has led to the emergence of the spread of hundreds of coffees from around the world. All types and coffees have distinctive features depending on climate and in which the soil from which coffee grows. Different varieties of naturally different taste, flavor, caffeine content, extract content. For some elite varieties is important not only in what country it is grown, but also on what specific plantation.
Currently cultivated for industrial purposes are basically three kinds of coffee: Arabica (90% of plants), Robusta and Liberica.
Arabica grows around the world, in the tropics of Africa, Asia and America. Robusta discovered only in the 20th century and began to cultivate for industrial purposes, when it was discovered that some consumers prefer coffee soft and delicate taste of Arabica more pungent, bitter, and you may say, earthy taste of Robusta (from the Latin robustus - "strong", "reliable "," solid "). These trees are planted mainly in Madagascar and Guinea.
This story has led to the emergence of the spread of hundreds of coffees from around the world. All types and coffees have distinctive features depending on climate and in which the soil from which coffee grows. Different varieties of naturally different taste, flavor, caffeine content, extract content. For some elite varieties is important not only in what country it is grown, but also on what specific plantation.
Currently cultivated for industrial purposes are basically three kinds of coffee: Arabica (90% of plants), Robusta and Liberica.
Arabica grows around the world, in the tropics of Africa, Asia and America. Robusta discovered only in the 20th century and began to cultivate for industrial purposes, when it was discovered that some consumers prefer coffee soft and delicate taste of Arabica more pungent, bitter, and you may say, earthy taste of Robusta (from the Latin robustus - "strong", "reliable "," solid "). These trees are planted mainly in Madagascar and Guinea.
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