Ready ground coffee taste and aroma, of course, is second only to that of roasted and crushed, but this is the best option for those who prefer not to drink instant and fresh brewed beverage.
How did he do that? First, companies from different countries are purchasing green corn in Brazil, India, Colombia and Kenya, and then at home (closer to the consumer), toast, grind, create all kinds of varietal blend and pack. So on the shelves you can find ground coffee from Italy, Germany, France, Russia, etc. How to choose the perfect beverage quality, grinding, roast and mix varieties, says Ramaz Chanturia, General Director of the Association "Rusteacoffee."
For Turks - dust, for machines - grains
To choose the best for you with coffee, first decide, how will you cook it - depends on the product of grinding what you need. If varish drink in Turku or geyser coffee machine, choose a powder, crushed almost to dust. If Using A filter coffee maker or espresso machine, one must look for medium and large coffee grind - from fine you will obscure the taste of a drink. For information about how much pulverized powder contained in the pack, look at the label.
If you gain the domestic coffee, choose a product with the guests premium or premium - this sign will give you the assurance that the grains are ground well and evenly roasted.
Italians love coffe without beans
Another important factor that affects the taste and aroma of coffee - its degree of doneness. She is weak, medium, strong and maximum, but a clear classification in this case is not, therefore, on the labels of this characteristic can be called quite differently - for example, the domestic product on STATE called svetloobzharennym, sredneobzharennym, temnoobzharennym or higher degree of roasting. Which option you choose depends only on your preferences, because the higher the degree of roasting, the more intense coffee flavor with a bitter coffee gets. If you love fragrant and soft drink, buy a product with a minimum of frying.
By the way, the majority of manufacturers produce a different product, but the Italian coffee is more often heavily roasted.
Coffee with caffeine and without
Coffees can be thousands - they are different from each other shades of taste, flavor, astringency, acidity, because the seeds came in very different circumstances. For example, "Jamaica Blue Mountain" (costs about 16 thousand rubles. Per 1 kg) grows only on the eponymous island of the Caribbean, and in the production of "Kopi Luwak" (the price - about 24 thousand rubles. Per 1 kg) involved animals palm civet - they eat the berries, but the seeds in their bodies are not digested, and go along with feces and collected people.
However, all varieties of coffee are two main Species - Arabica and Robusta (there Liberica and ekselsa, but they maloplodovity and used very rarely.) Sometimes manufacturers put in only one coffee packaging - in this case write "100% arabica". But more often mix the two species in different proportions: if you see on the label the words "espresso", then in the inside packs blend of Arabica and Robusta in the ratio of 50/50, 60/40 or 70/30. Well, if the manufacturer has indicated the exact composition of the mixture, because a lot depends on this. For example, in arabica less caffeine.
It gives the drink a rich flavor, aroma and slightly sour. But Robusta more strong, bitter and contains more caffeine. If you have heart problems, but you do not want to give up a morning cup of flavored drink, look for packages labeled "decaffeinated" - a substance learned to pull out the green beans and make coffee, devoid of invigorating effect. Coffee chocolate, amaretto, hazelnut In recent years become increasingly popular ground coffee with flavors of chocolate, brandy, amaretto, nuts, vanilla and cinnamon. Is it possible to distinguish between natural drink from the chemical? Basically, just do it. If the addition of the spices (cardamom, pepper, cinnamon, vanilla, nutmeg), then it is 90% natural product. But the other flavors (alcohol, chocolate, almonds, pine nuts, fruit) will likely be artificial or natural identical - the latter, incidentally, is preferable. However, true gourmets are sure that quality "pure" coffee itself is so good that extra flavoring did not need.
Vacuum cake - the best
During the roasting of grain in the central part creates a gas bubble, which concentrate flavoring. When the coffee is ground, it is destroyed and valuable enchanting scent begins to evaporate. Knowing such a feature, do not buy pre-packaged in paper bags product, and ask him to grind in front of you. If you gain the factory ground, choose a coffee in a solid brick of a vacuum - in this form it is better to retain their properties. Just see that the package is not damaged (in which case it becomes a little bland in places) and did not buy a large stack, because after opening you can not protect coffee from the "withering". In contrast to vacuum briquettes in soft packaging product is a little changes its properties, but some of them have a one-way membrane that lets air out and prevents it to get into the package. It is needed and from a technological point of view - that the gases do not accumulate in the pack and did not blow it, and from a consumer - you can put pressure on the bag and smell the product that is purchased.
By opening the package, the first thing sniff its contents, because a characteristic delicious flavor - the main indicator of fresh and high-quality ground coffee.
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