Saturday, June 29, 2013

Coffee for moms

Did you drink coffee in the morning, at lunch, in the evening, and sometimes in between. Coffee for you - bracer. But here you have to know the joys of motherhood and the urgent need to begin to live a healthy lifestyle, including the "eat right." What about coffee? Does it not hurt your baby, if he does not get into the milk ...

Let's face it. Coffee stimulates the nervous system, strengthens the heart, increases the production of adrenaline and speed up metabolism. That is the same effect as jogging, charge.

In practice, it looks like this: better blood is saturated with oxygen, toxins are excreted more rapidly, and it is very good for the fetus (baby). The increased amount of adrenaline to mobilize all the resources of the body - the muscles become more elastic, fabric recover more quickly and safely respond to changes (during pregnancy and childbirth change is inevitable).

However! Positive effect of coffee is only possible with moderate use! Let us specify what "moderate" - if you usually drink 1 - 2 cups of coffee a day, this is possible and stop, and if the daily rate was 5 cups should reduce the number of coffee to 2 - 3. Just abandon the coffee is not necessary, even dangerous. The fact that the body abrupt withdrawal of coffee - a lot of stress (especially at the usual 5 - 7 cups per day), and stress during pregnancy and breastfeeding is very undesirable. Logical to simply reduce the dose or switch to high-altitude arabica coffee - it has a minimal amount of caffeine. And if arabica organic, all is good - it is grown without the use of chemicals.

Speaking of chemistry. Its very much in the flavored coffee, instant and decaffeinated coffee. So far, no one has studied the effects of chemical (synthetic) components of these types of coffee on the developing fetus and infant. However, according to unofficial reports, the children more often irritability, "tummy problems" and the lack of calcium (convulsions, tremor, crooked bones, etc.), if the mother during pregnancy and breast-feeding saw instant coffee (or decaf flavored).

Instead of an epilogue.

Science-science, but there is no substitute their own feelings. If the future of your favorite coffee or held your mother to become bad, deteriorating health - it is better to time to replace the charging of tea or coffee. And if there are no problems - drink to your health and your baby.

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