Thursday, June 20, 2013

Can I drink coffee in pregnant?

American scientists have found that even a small dose of caffeine daily consumption of a pregnant woman, can impair the development of heart disease in the offspring. In a study conducted on mice, they also showed that caffeine increases fat deposits in male children.

Scientists at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut, conducted a series of experiments on four groups of mice. The first two groups were kept in normal air, the latter - in an atmosphere of oxygen with the half. In both cases, one group of mice injected with caffeine in an amount equivalent to the standard human dose (approximately two cups of coffee of medium strength) and the other group - isotonic saline solution control.

It was found that regardless of the content of caffeine led to a refinement of the partitions between the chambers of the heart in the offspring. In addition, in adult male mice whose mothers received caffeine during pregnancy, an average of 20% body fat mass increased by 35-38% and reduced contractile function of the heart.

According to the head of Rivkisa Scott (Scott Rivkees), women should refrain from regular use of caffeine during pregnancy, especially in its early timing. In order to avoid the risk of deprivation of the question, "Can I drink coffee pregnant?", the answer is better not!

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