Thursday, July 11, 2013

Species and Varieties

  • Arabica coffee has a world market share of about 60% of the coffee produced. This type of bean that contains only half the caffeine compared to the Robusta bean, has become popular and famous mainly for their aroma.
  • Robusta has about 36% share of world production. Visually, this bean differs by a straight incision in the bean from Arabica with wavy incision. The farmers of this variety is especially appreciated for its durability and its shorter maturation time (compared to the Arabica).
  • Excelsa beans is considered rare and was built in 1904 on Lake Chad found. It has all of the strongest varieties of bean growth. It stands out above all the ability to drier soil to thrive and to achieve a satisfactory yield in low rainfall years. Nevertheless, it has only one percent share of world production.
  • Stenophylla : The particularly small-leaved plant from West Africa ( Guinea and Sierra Leone ) can be planted in up to 700 meters above sea level. In Sierra Leone, the famous "Highland Coffee" is made ​​with this variety. The beans are large and round, the fruits are black when mature.
  • Liberica : Inferior and economically insignificant kind, considered to be profitable and highly resistant to parasites.
  • Maragogype : A mutation of the Arabica bean or other theory, a cross between Arabica and Libericabohne. The beans are one third larger than the usual coffee beans. The variety is grown mainly in Mexico and Nicaragua. The species grows best at altitudes from 400 to 1,200 meters. Despite its size, the crop yield is usually lower than other types of coffee.
  • In Vietnam as cà Phe Sua Da offered a coffee blend that also the types in addition to the known species Robusta and Arabica Catimor and Chari contains. This is a very dark coffee with a nutty-chocolaty taste. These coffee blends containing these varieties in different mixing ratios and also contain rare or Liberica Excelsa beans. Due to the local notion of the coffee taste these blends the largest share of the coffee demand cover there. Mixtures containing the mentioned on the world market rather unknown coffee species are only available as an import products in Asian stores outside the country of Vietnam. Chari coffee is offered as a natural decaffeinated coffee due to its very low caffeine content, which is not decaffeinated be needs.
  • As the rarest and most expensive coffee places in the world is the Indonesian Kopi Luwak . It occurs when the civet luwak eats coffee cherries and beans retires, their taste properties have been changed by fermentation in the intestines of animals. Here they, among other bitter substances are removed.

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